How to Block an Unwanted Phone Number

Reasons for Blocking a Phone Number

Blocking a phone number is an important tool for managing the safety of your dating life. There are several reasons why you might want to block someone’s phone number, including:

Unwanted contact from an ex or other person who makes you feel uncomfortable: If you have been receiving unwanted calls, texts or voicemails from an ex or someone else that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, blocking their number can help ensure your safety and peace of mind.

Steps to Block a Phone Number

If you’re interested in dating, it’s important to know how to block phone numbers from unwanted callers or text messages. Blocking a phone number can help protect your privacy and keep you safe. Here are some steps you should take when blocking a phone number:

  • Identify the phone number that needs to be blocked. Make sure that the number belongs to someone who is bothering or harassing you before taking any action.
  • Contact your mobile service provider for instructions on how to block the specific caller’s number from calling or texting your phone.

Alternatives to Blocking a Phone Number

If you’re in the dating game, you may come across someone who just doesn’t seem to be getting the message that it’s time to move on. While blocking their number is a sure fire way of stopping them from contacting you, there are plenty of more polite alternatives!

One option might be to politely inform them that while you appreciate their attention, this isn’t a relationship that is going anywhere. You can also set boundaries with how often they try and contact you – say by limiting it to once a week or fortnight.

Benefits of Blocking a Phone Number

When it comes to dating, blocking a phone number has some real benefits. It can help to avoid the awkwardness of having an ex call or text you out of the blue and ruin your day.

It can provide you with a sense of control over who contacts you and when — so if things don’t work out with one person, you don’t have to worry about being pestered by them. If someone becomes too pushy or starts harassing you in any way, blocking their number is an effective way to put a stop to it right away.


BBWCupid is an excellent dating app for plus-sized singles, and it also offers a great way to block ex phone numbers. This feature makes it easy to keep unwanted contacts away and ensures that you will never receive any calls or texts from your former partner again.

The blocking process is simple and straightforward, taking only a few minutes to complete. The app offers plenty of other features that make the online dating experience enjoyable for everyone involved.


When it comes to safety and security, DateYou takes a strong stance against blocking ex-phone numbers. We believe that it’s important to give users the freedom to make their own decisions and choices when it comes to online dating. By allowing users the ability to block ex-phone numbers, we are able to provide our members with an extra layer of protection from unwanted contact or harassment.

Kasual App

The Kasual App is a popular dating app that has recently launched a new feature called Block Ex Phone Number. This feature allows users to block their ex-partner’s phone number so they no longer receive any calls or messages from them. With this new feature, the Kasual App is taking a proactive stance on preventing people from getting harassed by their former partners.

What do you think is the most important factor in a successful relationship?

The most important factor in a successful relationship is communication. Communication helps partners understand each other, resolve differences and build trust. It’s also important to set boundaries and respect each other’s privacy. Blocking an ex’s phone number can be an effective way to maintain healthy boundaries and prevent unwanted contact from someone who may cause emotional turmoil or conflict in the relationship.

How comfortable are you with communicating your feelings to your partner?

I am very comfortable communicating my feelings to my partner. I make sure to be open and honest about how I’m feeling in order to build trust and a strong relationship. If I ever feel like there is something that needs to be discussed, I make sure to bring it up with my partner in an effective way so we can both work together towards a resolution.

Have you ever had to block an ex’s phone number?

I have had to block an ex’s phone number more times than I’d like to admit. It’s never easy, but it’s often necessary. When you break up with someone, it can be hard to let go of the connection completely, and blocking their number is a way of making sure that you don’t fall into old habits. It’s not fun, but sometimes it can be the best decision for your mental health and emotional well-being.
